dijous, 12 de juliol del 2012

Energy Efficiency & Smart Meters

Energy Efficiency & Smart Meters , What's in it for the consumer?

The European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) held a workshop on 8 May entitled "Energy Efficiency & Smart Meters , What's in it for the consumer?". ESMIG believes that consumer awareness and involvement are key-elements for the Smart Meters roll-out to be successful, as consumer benefits in terms of energy and consumer savings are considerable. To this end, this full-day workshop focused on what Smart Metering means for the consumer, the impact of Smart Metering technologies on energy efficiency, and how they can empower the consumer to gain control of their personal energy consumption and contribute to the ambitious energy efficiency goals, namely increase Europe’s energy efficiency by 20% by the year 2020.

If you are interested on knowing more, here you will find some news related to this event.


